一、高壓側(HIGH SIDE) 大致相當于20個大氣壓的高溫高壓氣體(300 psi of Hot High Pressure Gas) 換算1個標準大氣壓=14.7Psi=1.013bar=0.1013MPa 
標準大氣壓(Standard atmospheric pressure) 1、壓縮機 COMPRESSOR 將低壓氣體壓縮為高壓氣體。 
壓縮機 2、冷凝器(CONDENSER) 冷凝器是一個用于將制冷劉所含熱量釋放、并將制冷劑由氣態轉變成液態的熱交換器。將高溫高壓的氣態制冷劑變成高壓液態制劑。 一種結構的冷凝器

實物圖 3、貯液干燥器(RECEIVER DRIER) 儲存、緩沖、干燥和過濾。 貯液干燥器結構圖

4、膨脹閥(EXPANSION VALVE) 節流降壓、控制過熱度、調節流量、防止壓縮機液擊。 一種熱力膨脹閥解剖圖

P1+P4 = P2+P3 P1 = Bulb Pressure (Opening Force) P2 = Evaporator Pressure (Closing Force) P3 = Superheat Spring Pressure (Closing Force) P4 = Liquid Pressure (Opening Force) 
一種電子膨脹閥外觀 The compressor and the electronic expansion valve (EEV) are integrated in a control loop. When the cold air requirement changes, the EEV takes on the task of precision adjustment by varying the degree of opening within a few seconds. If this precision control is no longer sufficient, the cooling capacity is adapted by way of the compressor speed. Due to the short control response times, the system always works in the optimum operating range, making it even more efficient. 二、低壓側(LOW SIDE) 17-30PSI of Low Pressure Gas 1個標準大氣壓=14.7Psi=1.013bar=0.1013MPa 5、蒸發器(EVAPORATOR) 吸收空氣中的熱量(降溫),干燥空氣(降濕)。 蒸發器
